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5 Tips for Surviving Your First Day on the Job

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After you have updated your resume, gone through the long interview process, and the finally landed the job, the next important step in making a lasting positive impression on your new company is nailing your first day on the job. There are five tips that everyone should know when preparing and experiencing your first day at your new company.

1. Making it to work on time.
Before you start your first day on the job you have to know how long it is going to take to get to your new workplace to start your first day. Before starting, every new employee should take a practice drive to their new work place in order to gauge how long it will take them to get there. You should conduct this drive around the same time you plan on leaving for your first day on the job in order to see what the traffic flow is like. Make sure you arrive at your new workplace at least fifteen minutes early and do not be the first person to leave at the end of the workday.

2.Treat your first day like the interview.
This is the first day you will meet the other team members and so once again you must make sure you make a good first impression. These people you meet in your new company will more than likely be the people you will work on projects with. Stay confident throughout the day and display the skills that landed you the job during the interview process.

3. Don’t be afraid to ask questions.
When you go to start your first day at your new job, be assertive. Your new peers know that you are new to the team and will be sure to help you. If you have questions you have to ask someone for help. Do not go through the whole workday sitting at your desk with nothing to do. Be assertive and ask someone in charge or one of your peers what they need you to do. By displaying your assertiveness, you are showing other members of your company that you are eager to begin working there and are comfortable taking initiative.

4. Pay attention to your surroundings.
This may sound like a simple task but it is one of the most important things any new person on the job must do. It is very important to get to know your work place. Watch and pay attention to the people all around you. Pay attention to when people get in to work and what time they are leaving so you can get a gauge of when you should arrive and when you should leave. Try to break down the dynamics within the workplace and how your new co-workers interact with each other and your boss. The faster you get to new your environment, the faster you’ll be able to thrive in that environment.

5. Meet your co-workers.
It’s always a good idea to introduce yourself to the people you’ll more than likely be working with in the future. You don’t have to become best friends with your co-workers but it’s much easier to work on team projects with people your comfortable around. A good tip is to write down the names and titles of the people you meet. This will help your understanding of how the workplace is structured and will help you to integrate yourself into the workplace structure. Knowing the titles of everyone you will be working with will let you know who to go to when you have questions or concerns.

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